Steps to Success...It's not your fault...but can you crack the code?
Steps to Success
"Never eat anything you can't lift" -Miss Piggy -
Hello Lifestyler,
The above quote "never eat anything you can't lift" translates into if you have trouble believing in you..."it's not your fault".
How cool is that?
If you'd like to learn the fastest and easiest way to lose weight, then this will be the most important message you ever read...
Sound good?
You may be thinking, "Johni, if your secret is that simple and powerful, then what stops most people from enjoying the kind of health they really want?"
Do you ever wonder why you do certain things or react a certain way?
The reason being hat people generally focus more mental energy on what is not right instead of what is...
Everyone has essentially the same problem.
Why are you or whomever is reading this message overweight and unfit?
Yeah, that's right you, but it's not your fault.
Are you surprised?
Sound’s too good to be true, doesn’t it?
What could be easier?
Were you expecting to hear about some b.s or fairy tale story?
Listen closely, by all normal standards you don't have liabilities, but you do have undiscovered assets.
Ok...then, what you have are "default's"...self-limiting beliefs and negative thinking this will sink you like a torpedo.
That's bit of a tongue twister, but the emotional and mental struggles that few if anyone ever discuss...what I mean is this "default" mode is your software program, well, it's the same thing like a computer.
When you first came into this world you are set at "default" mode...and from the very beginning every word you hear and every action you observe means you've been programmed.
You see, in the first seven years of your life your whole perception of reality is shaped by your environment and your ability to make decisions is also created...
You know this to be the same scenario with your PC because when you first turn on your new computer, the "default" settings are automatically triggered....right?
How would you like to give yourself the gift of a "new life program"...
Like for example when it comes to your health and fitness do you find yourself saying:
- How can I become motivated?
- What foods work and what "diets" are doomed to fail?
- How can I create a lifestyle of abundance and health?
- Am I too old or out-of-shape to even start?
- Am I strong enough to see it through?
So in other words you must continuously update your settings and even invest in other programs to maximize the potential of your computer.
Oh, my gosh!
A total reversal of the way you would've been without updating your default mode.
It's true, right?
There are many software defaults, bugs or program conflicts that occur in software and the same thing applies to your thinking...
- Doubt
- Fear
- Procrastination, etc
If you're skeptical, these are three quick examples of some of your "automatic defaults" that are programmed during the first seven years of your learning existence.
These defaults take away your power to move you into action.
So, when you are about to expand your thinking or take a bold new step into the unknown, you automatically go into default mode...
- Fear
- Doubt
- Procrastination, etc.
Your automatic defaults kick-in!
That little voice in your head is telling you to stick to what you know and not to step outside your comfort zone.This is why you must consistently update your "defaults" just like you upgrade your computer systems.
Is it possible?
It is a very simple, yet highly powerful can use a surprisingly simple shortcut.
You can choose to upgrade your defaults (remodel) by reading and/or listening to personal development material daily, investing in coaching with someone that has done what you want to do.
Modeling is an easy shortcut to massive results fast...
These are automatic upgrades to your system that will not allow you to fall into that default mode when encountering a challenging situation.
Modeling is when you find someone who has the skills, knowledge or results you want, and you simply copy-cat their methods, allowing you to duplicate their results, as fast as humanly possible.
Everything you do in life requires faith and the amount of faith that you have determines the level of success that you'll achieve.
Modeling gives you an unfair advantage that speeds up your rate of progress and slices years off your learning curve...
All you do is customize it.
The key is every day, when you get out of bed, you must be very clear about why, about what you intend to accomplish that day.
It's my experience a lot of people lack clarity about their daily life.
And I wonder just how "clear" you are...
Having said that the real "magic" happens when you take action, absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specific to your own needs and wants.
You get it happening on the outside using exercise and nutrition while get it happening on the inside using the hidden power of your mind...
Don't be fooled by your age, or the many excuses people will make to avoid starting because defaults have nothing to do with being fit and healthy.
Defy the odds and take your first baby steps in accomplishing those things you want most in life, go for it and make it happen today!
What's coming tomorrow?
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I know what you're thinking, maybe I'm a gypsy or something?
Steps to Success
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